As a Donovan & Bank volunteer, I have re-connected with my brothers-in-arms and developed new relationships with some of the most successful and patriotic citizens of this great nation. It has allowed me to keep the promise I made to never forget those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, and gives me an opportunity to feel the sense of purpose I had in Special Forces
Tom A.
Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army Special Forces
I’m truly lucky to have found The Donovan & Bank Foundation. The access they gave me to wellness innovation saved me from myself. It gave my wife a fully present husband and gave my daughter and son the daddy they deserve. I am in the moment and present, I have grown out from the past and I’m able to plan a future with happiness, joy, purpose and meaning.
Trevor B.
Master Sergeant, U.S. Army Special Forces
I will forever be grateful to the Donovan and Bank Foundation who saw me through a very difficult transition and gave me support that made an incredible impact on my life. They are run by the best leadership I have witnessed in my twenty years in the military. It is amazing to watch what these men can accomplish when unrestrained by the government bureaucracy. It is a truly benevolent organization fueled by a desire to help care for those who have served.
Andy S.
Sergeant First Class, U.S. Army Special Forces
During the stressful and emotional transition process the programs, relationships, guidance and genuine care The Donovan & Bank Foundation provided was extraordinary. They went out of their way to connect me to opportunities and specialized services specific to my personal challenges, addressing everything from finances to finding individual purpose and everything in-between. For a transitioning SOF operator, Donovan and Bank Foundation is critical. It changed my whole outlook on this new challenge. I am extremely grateful!
Josh R.
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Special Forces